Jenkins Plugins
Misc Plugins
- Copy Artifact Plugin: Copy artifacts from other projects with
copyArtifacts(projectName: 'sourceproject');
- Cloud Providers (Docker Plugin, Kubernetes Plugin, ..)
Fingerprinting Plugin
- Files can be Fingerprinted to track their usage or what depends on them.
- Stored in
- The
plugin uses fingerprinting to accept deployment execution reports from other tools such as Chef, Puppet, .. to run additional automated tasks in Jenkins.
Docker Plugin
Dynamically Provision Nodes with Docker Docker | Jenkins plugin
Docker Workflow/Pipeline Plugin
Use docker commands in your Scripted Pipeline jobs
docker.image('maven:3.3.3-jdk-8').inside {
git '…your-sources…'
sh 'mvn -B clean install'
Docker Pipeline | Jenkins plugin
Docker Build Publish Plugin
Allows you to build & push to container registries and use your Dockerfile as a buildfile. CloudBees Docker Build and Publish | Jenkins plugin
Git Plugin
Cmdling git operations
checkout scmGit(
branches: name: 'master',
userRemoteConfigs: url: '')
Credentials Plugin
- Stores credentials in AWS, Azure, Conjur, GCP, Kubernetes, Vault
- Credentials are accessed through a combination of scopes and contexts, which are further categorized into types and domains. Credentials | Jenkins plugin